Products Name : FJI-114
Ingredients : Garlic Extract Powder
Efficacies : Recovering Stamina, Reducing fatigue
Producer : Fuji Sangyo
Product Description
FJI-114 is a garlic extract powder designed to produce Allicin in internal body of stomach.
Although garlics do not contain Allicin, when their cells are broken by cutting or crushing, the “Alliin” in garlics will react with an enzyme called "Allinase", and the active ingredient Allicin is generated in the body.
Active Ingredients of Allicin promote to absorb Vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 reacts with Allicin to form Allithiamine, which improves absorption and can help us effectively absorb Vitamin B1.
It provides strong stamina as well as effective for recoevry from fatigue.
Product Features
- Natural source of garlic
- Enhancement of Energy and Stamina
- Exteamly less Odor
- Improvement of Blood pressure
Product Detail
Warm up by improvement of blood circulation
35 minutes after taking FJI-114 0.5g, cold stress test was conducted, and subsequent temperature rise of the skin was measured using thermography.

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